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V A L O R !
8 site specific performances
By María José Contreras,
Carolina Ihle, Fernando Portal
mil m2
March - December 2015

"Valor!" is an arts practice-based research project designed to critically examine various forms of heritage value. Over the span of a year, performance artist María José Contreras and architect Carolina Ihle collaborated in Espacio Pendiente of milm2, located in downtown Santiago. This space, with a significant historical background, once housed a cinema in the early XX century. Notably, the 29% inclined seating area served the poorest neighbors in the neighborhood. Unfortunately, the space was scheduled for demolition in 2017 to make way for a luxury housing building and a mall.


Contreras and Ihle intervened in the space through a series of site-specific performances, tackling fundamental questions related to heritage:


  • Who actively contributes to the construction of heritage value?

  • Who assesses or quantifies heritage value?

  • How is heritage value exchanged or traded?

  • ​

The artists utilized various formats, including live actions, video art, and architectural surveys, to delve into the heritage status of Espacio Pendiente.


In July 2016, an exhibition showcasing artifacts from the performances was hosted at the Replica Gallery of the Universidad Austral in Valdivia, Chile.


For more detailed information about this project, please refer to:

  • Maria Jose Contreras y Carolina Ihle, (2016) “La subasta patrimonial: construcción de valor en la ruina moderna a través de una intervención sitio específico.” Revista 180, N. 38, pp. 17-11.

  • Ihle, Carolina, & Contreras, María José. (2017). ¡Valor! Subasta Patrimonial. ARQ (Santiago), (97), 7-11.


Photography: Nombre Apellido

© 2019 María Jose

Contreras Lorenzini

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